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Training: At all levels the dog is required to walk with its shoulder level with the handler’s leg, paying attention and matching their pace to that of their handler, in a natural and happy manner and sitting by the handler’s leg at halts.

The handler is required to move in a normal upright manner without exaggerated posture or unnatural hand or arm position. When teaching this exercise the lead should be used to guide and assist and not as correction or punishment, and the emphasis should be on encouragement, so that the dog enjoys the exercise.

In training toys and food may be freely used to motivate the dog, however it is the handler’s own enjoyment and pleasure in the exercise that will transmit itself to the dog, and if you don't like heelwork neither will the dogs.

At all levels dogs lack of attention, lagging, pulling, surging forward or refusing to sit at halts will result in a poor overall mark.

Handlers should be encouraged to move at a smart pace, keeping their dog’s attention on them.

Different breeds and sizes of dogs will present different styles of heelwork, but whatever the breed or size of the dog, heelwork should present a smart picture of a handler following instruction and a dog working with its handler.

In the higher levels when change of pace is introduced please ensure that the handlers are in fact changing pace, and the dog is seen to do so.

Heelwork - what to expect in a UKDS test

Heel on lead

Foundation Level
Beginner Level

At normal pace. On steward’s commands, the lead must not be used as correction but extra commands, praise and encouragement by means of voice or sight of the carried toy are allowed.

Test to include turns and halts where the dog must sit by handler’s side.

Heel on lead and Heel free

Novice Level

To include halts with dog to sit by handler’s left side, all three turns (left, right and about) and one change of pace from a halt, as directed by steward.

The lead should be loose during heel on lead, and the steward will instruct the handler at what point to remove the lead, approximately half way through the round from a halt.

Heel free

Intermediate Level
Advanced Level
Expert Level

At all three paces (normal, slow and fast) with all three turns (right, left and about) as directed by steward.

Change of pace will be from the halt.