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Description of Levels

Foundation & Beginner levels are designed to encourage participation by those with no experience of dog sport, and should be within the capabilities of any breed.

Smaller dogs will have the clear jump reduced (see Agility section) and no qualification is required to enter these two levels, but it is expected that dogs will be of good temperament and under control.

It is possible that dogs and handlers may never progress beyond UKDS Beginner and this is the reason why two comparatively basic levels are offered so that they may continue to compete within their capabilities.



Open to dogs and handlers that have not competed in any competitive dog sport or club competition. Dogs and handlers may remain at this level unless they qualify Beginners or above in UKDS.

Toys may be carried and food may be given but only used as a reward between exercises and not as a way of constantly baiting the dog.  Play is allowed but should be brief and not hold up the round unduly. Extra commands, encouragement and praise may be given in all exercises except the stay.

Search - (30 marks – 16 to qualify)

15 paces x 15 paces square with four articles. Articles will be placed by steward with dog and handler watching. Articles which must be of suitable size and material for beginner dogs and the terrain (socks tied in a knot, lids, toilet roll middles, length of rope, hosepipe, piece of  wood for example). Articles should be delivered to hand. Dogs may be on a long line in the interests of safety. (5 mins - 30 marks - 6 for each article and 6 for style)

Control - (50 marks – 35 to qualify)

Heelwork on lead: At normal pace. On steward’s commands, the lead must not be used as correction but  extra commands, praise and encouragement by means of voice or sight of the carried toy are allowed. To include turns and halts where the dog must sit by handler’s side (10 marks)

Recall on Lead: Dog left in a sit, handler walks to length of lead, turns and on Steward’s command calls the dog to sit in front. Lead must not be used to assist. (10 marks)

Retrieve: Handler’s own article. Dogs to sit by handler’s left side and wait (may be held) while article is thrown and then on Stewards’ command go and fetch the article and return to handler and sit in front. Article must be delivered to hand. (Dog may be on a line for security but not to assist the exercise, any line used must be a minimum of 20ft) (10 marks)

Sendaway: Handler’s own toy, mat or marker at a minimum distance of 15 yards. Dogs must remain at the start point either in a wait or held, but may watch the item put out by the steward. Dog to be sent, stopped and wait and on steward’s command handlers may if they choose, go up and reward their dog at the spot or call their dog back. Either way the dog can be rewarded with its toy at  the end of the exercise. (Dog may be on a line for security but not to assist the exercise, any line used must be a minimum of 20ft) (10 marks)

Stays - A down stay of 1 minute on lead with handler two paces away. (10 marks)

Agility - (20 marks – 14 to qualify)

Dogs may be kept on a lead or line for security, and handler can remain close to them but the lead or line must not be used to assist and must not impede the dog’s progress over or through the obstacles in any way.

Clear jump 2ft - Dogs under 15ins -1ft:  Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until steward’s command of exercise over. (5 marks)

Tunnel - Dogs to be under control and sent through on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until steward’s command of exercise over (5 marks)

A Frame - Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and remain on other side in a  stationary position until steward’s command of exercise over (10 marks)

100 marks overall – 75 to qualify



Open to dogs and handlers that have not competed in any competitive dog sport - UKDS foundation level and club competitions exempt. Dogs and handlers may remain at this level unless they qualify Novice or above in UKDS.

Toys may be carried and food may be given but only used as a reward between exercises and not held in such a way as to constantly bait the dog. Play is allowed but should be brief and not hold up the round unduly. Extra commands, encouragement and praise may be given in all exercises except the stay.

Search - (30 marks – 16 to qualify) 20 paces x 20 paces square with four articles. Articles will be placed by steward with dog and handler watching. Articles must be of suitable size and material for beginner dogs and the terrain. Articles should be delivered to hand. Dogs may be on a long line in the interests of safety but the line must not be held. (5 mins - 30 marks - 6 for each article and 6 for style)

Control - (50 marks – 35 to qualify)

Heelwork on lead: On steward’s commands to include turns and halts where the dog must sit at the handler’s side. The lead must not be used as correction, but extra commands, praise and encouragement by means of voice or sight of the carried toy are allowed (10 marks).

Recall: Dog left in a sit off lead, handler walks 10 paces turns and calls the dog on steward’s command, dog to sit in front of handler. (10 marks)

Retrieve: Handler’s own article. Dog to sit on handler’s left and side off the lead, and wait (may be held by the collar) while article is thrown, then on steward’s command, go and fetch the article, return to handler and sit in front. Article must be delivered to hand. Dogs may be on a long line in the interests of safety but the line must not be held. (10 marks)

Sendaway: Handler’s own toy, mat or marker at a minimum distance of 20 yards. Dogs must remain at the start point either in a wait or held, but may watch the item put out by the steward. Dog to be sent, stopped and wait until steward’s command. At this point the handler may if they choose, go up and reward their dog at the spot, or call their dog back. Either way the dog can be rewarded with its toy at the end of the exercise. (10 marks)

Stays - A down stay of 2 minutes off lead with handler 5 paces away. (10 marks)

Agility - (20 marks – 14 to qualify)

Handlers may send their dogs over or through the obstacles in their own time. Obstacles will be done in the order specified by the judge, and when each obstacle is completed the steward will instruct the handler to join their dog and inform them when the exercise is over.

There is no specific distance from which the dogs must be sent forward to negotiate the obstacles but handlers are expected to judge what is safe for their dogs. Handlers must not go beyond the start of the obstacle until instructed to do so by the steward.

Clear jump 2ft – Dogs under 15ins - 1ft: Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

Tunnel - Dogs to be under control and sent through on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

A Frame - Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and remain on other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (10 marks)

100 marks overall – 75 to qualify

Novice Level


Open to dogs that have not competed in UKDS Intermediate or above, or Working Trials, Obedience, IGP or any other multi discipline dog sport.

Novice is a basic level intended for novice dogs new to competition, and should be judged as such, with the emphasis on practical happy working partnerships.

A toy may be carried out of sight of dog and only used to reward between exercises or at the end of test. However, play should be brief and not hold up the round unduly. No food to be carried.

Extra commands and praise allowed except in stays.

Search - (30 marks - 16 to qualify) 20 paces x 20 paces square, 4 articles. Articles placed by steward with dog and handler present. Articles should be a suitable for the terrain and for all breeds at Novice level. Articles should be delivered to hand (5 minutes - 6 for each article and 6 for style).

Control - (60 marks – 45 to qualify)

Heel on lead and Heel Free - to include halts with dog to sit by handler’s left side, all three turns (left, right and about) and one change of pace from a halt, as directed by steward. The lead should be loose during heel on lead, and the steward will instruct the handler at what point to remove the lead, approximately half way through the round from a halt.

Extra commands and encouragement by voice are allowed. (15 marks).

The object of this exercise it to introduce off lead heelwork so the amount of combined heelwork will not be excessive.

Recall: Dogs to be left in a sit. Handler will leave dog on steward’s command and walk a minimum of 15 paces as directed and turn and face the dog. The dog will be recalled on steward’s command to sit in front of handler and then finish to heel. (10 marks)

Retrieve: Dogs to sit by handler’s left side and wait, while the dumbbell is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return with the dumbbell and sit in front of the handler still holding the dumbbell. The steward will direct the handler to take the dumbbell and send the dog to heel. (10 marks)

Sendaway: The Dog will be sent according to the steward’s instructions to a point which will have some sort of marker (Minimum 30 yards) where it will be stopped and must remain until steward indicates that the test is finished. At this point the handler will call their dog back. The dog can be rewarded with a toy at the end of the exercise. (10 marks)

Speak: Dog will be on the lead at Handlers’ side and will be required to “speak” on one command. Three barks are required (5 marks)

Stay: a Down Stay of 3 minutes with handler away from the dog but still in sight. (10 marks)

Agility (20 marks -14 to qualify)

Handlers may send their dogs over or through the obstacles in their own time. Obstacles will be done in the order specified by the judge, and when each obstacle is completed the steward will instruct the handler to join their dog and inform them when the exercise is over.

There is no specific distance from which the dogs must be sent forward to negotiate the obstacles but handlers are expected to judge what is safe for their dogs. Handlers must not go beyond the start of the obstacle until instructed to do so by the steward.

Clear jump 2ft - Dogs under 15ins - 1ft: Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

Tunnel - Dogs to be under control and sent through on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

A Frame - Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and remain on other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (10 marks)

110 marks overall – 85 to qualify

Intermediate Level


Open to all dogs that have not qualified at Advanced level or above in UKDS, or worked higher than TD/PD level in working trials, or B/C level obedience.

No food or toys to be given or carried. Minimal extra commands will be allowed, but constant encouragement or any handling of the dog will be penalised.

Search - (30 marks - 16 to qualify) 25 x 25 paces square, 4 articles. Articles placed by steward out of sight of dog and handler. Articles must be suitable for all breeds. Articles should be delivered to hand (5 minutes allowed 6 for each article and 6 for style)

Control - (60 marks – 45 to qualify)

Heel Free at all three paces (normal, slow and fast) with all three turns (right, left and about) as directed by steward. Change of pace will be from the halt. (15 marks)

Recall: Dogs to sit and wait and handler will leave dog on steward’s command and walk a minimum of 15 paces as directed and turn and face the dog. The dog will be recalled on steward’s command to sit in front of handler and then finish to heel. (10 marks)

Retrieve: Dog to sit and wait by the handler’s left hand side, while the dumbbell is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return with the dumbbell and sit in front of the handler still holding the dumbbell. The steward will direct the handler to take the dumbbell and send the dog to heel. (10 marks)

Sendaway: The Dog will be sent according to the steward’s instructions to a point (minimum 50 yards) which may or may not have a marker, where it will be stopped and must remain until steward indicates that the test is finished. The dog will be called back when directed.(10 marks)

Speak: Dog will be at handler’s side off the lead. The handler will command the dog to speak. Five barks on one command and a Quiet are required. (5 marks)

Stay: Down Stay of 5 minutes with handler out of sight. (10 marks)

Agility - (20 marks -14 to qualify)

Handlers may send their dogs over or through the obstacles in their own time. Obstacles will be done in the order specified by the judge, and when each obstacle is completed the steward will instruct the handler to join their dog and inform them when the exercise is over. There is no specific distance from which the dogs must be sent forward to negotiate the obstacles but handlers are expected to judge what is safe for their dogs. Handlers must not go beyond the start of the obstacle until instructed to do so by the steward.

Clear jump 2ft - Dogs under 15ins - 1ft: Dogs to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

Tunnel - Dogs to be under control and sent through on handler’s command and then remain on the other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (5 marks)

A Frame - Dog to be under control and sent over on handler’s command and then wait on other side in a stationary position until joined by the handler on steward’s command (10 marks)

110 marks overall – 85 to qualify

Advanced Level


Open to dogs that have qualified Intermediate level in UKDS or have worked at Championship TD/PD level in working trials, or B/C level obedience. Both the Intermediate and Advanced Levels are set at a progressively higher standard to encourage participation by serious dog sport enthusiasts.

No food or toys to be given or carried. No extra commands in any exercise other than the search

Search: (30 marks - 16 to qualify) 25 pace x 25 pace square, 4 articles. Articles placed by steward out of sight of dog and handler. Articles must be of suitable size for the terrain and for all breeds but within that remit may be more challenging than those in Intermediate. Articles should be delivered to hand (5 minutes allowed - 6 for each article and 6 for style)

Control (60 marks – 45 to qualify)

Heel Free - at all three paces (normal, slow and fast) with all three turns (right, left and about) as directed by steward, and change of pace from either the halt or on the move. (15 marks)

Recall: Handler will leave their dog in a position of their choice, and on steward’s instruction will walk where directed to include at least one turn. The handler will then be told to call their dog to heel and will continue with heelwork as directed until instructed to halt. (10 marks)

Retrieve: The Retrieve article to be supplied by the judge. The dog will be commanded to wait while the article is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return to sit in front of the handler still holding the article. The steward will direct the handler to take the article and send the dog to heel. Article will be suitable for all breeds and non-injurious. (10 marks)

Sendaway and Redirect: The Dog will be sent according to the steward’s instructions to a point (minimum 70 yards) where it will be stopped and must remain until redirected according to Judge’s instructions. The sendaway and redirection points may or may not be marked, but the handler will inform the judge when they are satisfied with the dog’s position, and the judge will indicate when they are happy for the dog to move on. At the end of the exercise the dog will be called back. (10 marks)

Speak: According to Judge’s instruction (5 marks)

Stay: a Down Stay of 10 minutes with handler out of sight.(10 marks)

Agility - (20 marks -14 to qualify)

Handlers may send their dogs over or through the obstacles in their own time, but will be directed by the steward when to recall them. Obstacles will be done in the order specified by the judge, and when each obstacle is completed the steward will instruct the handler to join their dog and inform them when the exercise is over. There is no specific distance from which the dogs must be sent forward to negotiate the obstacles but handlers are expected to judge what is safe for their dogs. Handlers must not go beyond the start of the obstacle until instructed to do so by the steward.

Clear jump 2ft – Dogs under 15ins 1ft: Dogs to be under control and wait while handler throws their own dumbbell over the jump. Dog to be sent over the jump to retrieve the dumbbell on steward’s command, handler may recall the dog who should return over the jump, and deliver the dumbbell to hand. Steward will instruct handler to take the dumbbell and then the exercise is over. (5 marks)

Tunnel - Dogs to be under control and sent through the tunnel, and then wait in a stationary position until handler recalls back through the tunnel on Steward’s command. Exercise is finished when dog reaches handler. (5 marks)

A frame - Dog to go over on command, wait in a stationary position until recalled over by the handler on steward’s command. (10 marks)

110 marks overall – (85 to qualify)

Expert Level

Open to Dogs that have qualified Advanced level UKDS. Qualification at this level will not affect entry into Advanced. However, if both Advanced and Expert are offered at an event those with an Expert qualification must enter Expert.

It is envisaged that this level will prove that working dogs are useful dogs, and provide handlers with something new to teach their dogs.

Control (60 marks – 45 to qualify)

No food or toys to be given or carried. No extra commands in any exercise.

Heel Free - at all three paces with all three turns as directed by steward. (15 marks)

Recall: Handler will leave their dog in a position of their choice, and on steward’s instruction will walk where directed to include at least one turn. The handler will then be told to call their dog to heel and will continue with heelwork as directed until instructed to halt. (10 marks)

Retrieve: The Retrieve article to be supplied by the judge. The dog will be commanded to wait while the article is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return to sit in front of the handler still holding the article. The steward will direct the handler to take the article and send the dog to heel. Article will be suitable for all breeds and non-injurious. (10 marks)

Sendaway and Redirect: The Dog will be sent according to the steward’s instructions to a point (minimum 70 yards) where it will be stopped and must remain until redirected according to Judge’s instructions. The dog will then be called back.(10 marks)

Speak: According to Judge’s instruction (5 marks)

Stay: a Down Stay of 10 minutes with handler out of sight. (10 marks)

Assistance Dog Section

Agility: (35 marks – 25 to qualify)

Handlers will provide their own three articles for this test which should consist of:

  1. Bunch of keys: The bunch of keys should be a minimum of three keys on a plain fob with no other attachments.
  2. A purse /wallet: The purse or wallet does not need to contain money! 
  3. A mobile phone/remote control: The mobile phone or remote control shall have no loose parts or accessible batteries.

A seat will be placed three paces in front of each obstacle by the judge or steward.

The handler’s three articles will be given to the judge or steward to place one at the other side of each obstacle. All articles will be placed at the beginning of the test.

The judge will decide which article goes where without handler’s knowledge.

Handlers will be seated for each of the three obstacles. Handlers must send their dogs over or through the obstacles to retrieve their property from a controlled, stationary start.

Dogs should go through or over the obstacle, retrieve, return and deliver to hand without further command. Obstacles will be done in the order specified by the judge. 2 minutes are allowed for each obstacle and is complete when the article is delivered to hand

Clear jump 2ft - Dogs under 15ins - 1ft: Dog to be sent over the jump to retrieve the handler’s article and return over the jump without further command, to deliver the article to hand. (10 marks)

Tunnel - Dog to be sent through, to retrieve handler’s article back through the tunnel with no extra command. (10 marks)

A frame - Dog to be sent over to retrieve handler’s article and return over without further command. (15 marks)

Nosework (30 marks – 20 to qualify)

Property Search - A 10 x 10 pace search square, 1 article placed by the Steward. This should be a small practical article resembling lost property. ( i.e. plastic ID/shopping card, key on a key ring, biro pen, pencil, small plastic money bag with a few coins, hair slide, comb)

The article will be placed by steward out of sight of dog and handler. Article should be delivered to hand (1 minute - 15 marks)

Detection - In a marked area of 15 x 15 paces 12 terracotta flowerpots will be evenly spaced across the area.

Dogs will be sent to find a tennis ball located under one of the flower pots, and when the correct pot is located the dog will indicate so that the handler is able to inform the judge that the ball has been located, the handler will call the dog out and reward.

The ball will be placed under the flowerpot out of sight of dog and handler by a steward, and the position of the correct pot will remain the same for all competitors, but the pot may be replaced if necessary. All pots will have been handled but the ball may only be handled by a gloved hand. (1 minute to locate - 15 marks)

125 marks overall – 95 to qualify

Expert Level Agility Exercises

A-Frame demo by Wendy Beasley

Clear Jump demo by Wendy Beasley

Tunnel demo by Wendy Beasley