Attending a UKDS competition - what to expect

The weather usually plays a large part on many outdoor activities, however with dog related activities people are generally a hardy bunch and have to be prepared with whatever the weather has in store!
UK Dog Sport is one such activity. Events are being run up and down the country, the majority of which are during the summer months mainly due to fields becoming inaccessible during the wetter months.
They provide the opportunity for fellow competitors to catch up in a friendly environment exchanging training tips with one another.
What's better than a day out with your dog and, when you qualify, proudly going home with a certificate!
The venue
The venue should have parking and toilet facilities on site. You may need to bring refreshments with you, check with the event organiser, beforehand, if they are providing these.
You will be notified by the event organiser with the date and time to arrive.
Look out for the 'event base': this may be a building, tent, gazebo, made more obvious by the collection of vehicles with dogs!
Book in with the event organiser, you will need to give them your UKDS membership number.
Once all competitors for your level have arrived, a draw will take place to establish the running order.
Try not to get too nervous!!
Whilst you wait for your turn, you can observe other dogs and handlers working.
Keep an eye on where you are in the running order and be ready, with your dog, when the judge calls.
Be aware of fellow competitors readying their dogs for work, they will want to be focusing entirely on them.
Each venue may differ somewhat in the order they run the Search and Control & Agility sections, they will let you know on the day.
Once all your hard work is over and the scores are taken to the 'event base' the organisers need time to collate the scores and write the certificates.
Certificates will be awarded to competitors at all levels that reach the required qualifying marks.
Don't forget to stay for the awards and photos and hopefully enjoy your win!
Please ensure the comfort of your dog at all times.
Please ensure your own comfort, bring all weather clothing and footwear.
Rules of entry for canines!
- Dogs/Bitches under 12 months of age, in season or suffering from *any ill health, injury or lameness are not eligible to take part at any level. (*other than those certified as fit to compete by a Vet).
- Any dog displaying any sign of aggression may be disqualified and asked to leave the event.
Rules of entry for handlers
- NFC (not for competition) or 'Training Rounds' will not be permitted at any level. However, if a handler decides during their work to help their dog and forfeit their marks for a particular exercise that is their choice. They are nevertheless expected to start the test with the intention of completing all exercises according to the Regulations.
- Any handler using punitive correction will be asked to leave the competition.
- Dogs must be worked in a collar suitable for the breed of dog, which should be worn throughout all tests.
- Any aversive equipment such as, but not limited to, choke chains & prong collars will not be allowed under any circumstances.
- For on lead work the lead must be a clip on type of at least 4ft long.
- Dogs must remain on lead unless otherwise instructed.
- Handlers up to the age of 17 years will be accompanied by an adult known to the dog.