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This one exercise is the basis for not only Retrieve but all search work, so it pays to ensure a solid retrieve of not only a dumbbell but all sorts of articles.

There is no point in dogs rushing out and picking things up if they won’t bring them back, so the delivery to hand is the most important part of this exercise.

Most dogs will chase something that is thrown and many will pick things up, but unless they will return to their handler and deliver it to hand it is not a retrieve.

Time taken on this exercise is invaluable and any attempt at rushing through this very important lesson will result in unreliable work both in the retrieve and also the search square.

The finer points of wait, present and finish can be worked on separately and are already part of the recall training but the delivery to hand is essential for success in these exercises.

Retrieve - what to expect in a UKDS test

Retrieve own article

Foundation Level
Beginner Level

Handler’s own article, can be a dumbbell.

Dogs to sit by handler’s left side and wait (may be held) while article is thrown and then on stewards’ command go and fetch the article and return to handler and sit in front.

Article must be delivered to hand.

Retrieve a dumbbell

Novice Level
Intermediate Level

Handler's dumbbell.

Dogs to sit by handler’s left side and wait, while the dumbbell is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return with the dumbbell and sit in front of the handler still holding the dumbbell.

The steward will direct the handler to take the dumbbell and send the dog to heel.

Retrieve judges article

Advanced Level
Expert Level

The Retrieve article to be supplied by the judge.

The dog will be commanded to wait while the article is thrown by the handler to a distance indicated by the  steward, and then on steward’s command will be sent to fetch and return to sit in front of the handler still holding the article.

The steward will direct the handler to take the article and send the dog to heel.

Article will be suitable for all breeds and non-injurious.